Sunday, October 26, 2008


Do, Does se usa cuando preguntamos o negamos algo en PRESENTE.

Usted habla ingles? /Do you speak english?
El toca piano? /Does he play the piano?
Yo no veo a mi padre/I do not see my father.
El no entiende espanol/He does not understand spanish.
El perro no muerde/The dog does not bite.
DO se usa para I, You, We, They
DOES se usa para He, She, it

Ella no estudio Ingles/She did not study english
Ellos no bebieron vino/They did not drink wine
Nadaste en la Piscina ayer?/Did you swim in the pool yesterday?

Te vere en la escuela/ I will see you at school.
Ella estara en la oficina /She will be in the office
Nosotros seremos Doctores/ We will be doctors
El seria mi cunado/He would be my brother in low.
Ellos cantaran en la iglesia/They would sing at the church.

Yo puedo ver el reloj/I can see the clock
El puede conducir al trabajo/He can drive to work
No puedes ir a la escuela/You can not go to school
Ella podria cocinar en mi casa/She could cook at my house
Nosotros no podriamos hacer eso/ we could not do that

Tu puedes ir al bano/You may go to the bathroom
Ella puede sentarse en la silla/She may sit in the chair
Mi padre no puede tomar leche/My father may not drink milk
Podriamos preguntar al maestro/We might ask the teacher
Yo podria escribir a mi hermano/ I might write to my brother

Both (Bouzd) ambos
Neither (naider) Ni uno ni otro
Any (eni) alguno, ninguno
Other (oder) otros
Nothing (nazding) nada
Something (somzding) algo
Anything (enizding) algo, nada
Either (ider) Uno u otro
Some (Som) Algo, unos
Another (anoder) otro
Nobody (noubary) nadie
Somebody (sombary) alguien
Anybody (enibary) cualquiera

Is there any food on the table?/hay algo de comida en la mesa?
Yes, there is./si hay
There is some butter on the table?/hay mantequilla en la mesa?
There isn’t any coffee on the table/no hay café en la mesa
There is no ham on the table/ no hay jamon en la mesa
Is there any soup on the table?/ hay sopa en la mesa?
Yes there is/si hay

SOME: Se usa e respuestas AFIRMATIVAS.
ANY: Se usa en preguntas y respuestas negativas acompanada de NOT.
There isn’t any coffee on the table./ no hay café en la mesa.
There’s some soup on the table/hay sopa en la mesa.
En comidas el verbo es singular IS, al referirse a elementos que no pueden contarsen como unidades, ya que son liquidos o granulados. Pero si se trata de formas como un vaso de agua el verbo cambia a ARE.
There are two cups of coffee on the table/hay dos vasos …
There are someBold bowls of soup on the table/hay algunos tazones de sopa……
Cuando son cosas que se pueden contar: Usamos IS si es una y ARE si son muchas.
There is a watermelon on the table/hay una sandia…..
There are some pears on the table/ hay unas peras…
There are no apples on the table/no hay manzanas…
There aren’t any potatoes on the table?/no hay papas ?
Yes they are./si hay
There are some oranges on the table/hay naranjas …..
Eggs/orange juice/milk/honey/cakes/tomatoes/meat/beer/cabbages/salt

Wine RegionsWhat is in a bottle of wine? People usually make wine from varieties of grapes. Merlot and Chardonnay are varieties of grapes. Often, the name of wine...

Highways - Up, Down, Over, UnderA highway is a main road people use to travel between different public places. Highways connect cities, towns, and villages. Sometimes, drivers pay mo...

Need and WantMy wife wants a big family. She has two sisters, eight aunts and uncles, and twenty-seven cousins. My wife wants between four and six children. We hav...

Countries of the WorldI am going to Japan next year. I am going there for my friends wedding. The airport is in Tokyo, but the wedding is in Kobe. We will go by train from ...

Words about animals:
Aardvark cerdo hormiguero/beaver castor/fox zorro/goat cabra/ moose alce/antelope/ whale ballena/ camel camello/
Oriole aropendula/ blue jay cianocita/ sea gull gaviota/ osprey aguila marina/ owl buho/ quail codorniz/ duck pato/ parakeet periquito/ sparrow gorrion/ falcon halcon/ skimmer rayador/turkey pavo/pigeon paloma/ woodpecker picamaderos
WORDS ABOUT INSECTS:Moth polilla/ lightning bug luciernaga/cricket grillo/ dragon fly caballito de mar/ grasshopper saltamontes/ locust saltamontes/

Sorry and please at the station
Bob: How can I help you?
Mary: I would like to purchase two tickets to London, please.
Bob: When do you want to go?
Mary: Today, please.
Bob: I am sorry, but today is sold out.
Mary: How about tomorrow?
Bob: Yes, we have tickets available for tomorrow

Excuse me and thank you. What time is it?
Sam: Excuse me?
Keiko: Yes?
Sam: Do you know what time it is?
Keiko: Yes, it is 4:30.
Sam: Do you know when the next bus comes?
Keiko: It comes at 4:45.
Sam: Thank you.

Where is the bathroom?
Sam: Excuse me, miss?
Keiko: Yes?
Sam: Where is the nearest bathroom?
Keiko: It is down the hall, there.
Sam: On the right side?
Keiko: No. It is the one farther (adverbio más lejos; farther away más allá, más lejos ) down, on the left.
Sam: Thank you.
Keiko: You are welcome.

How much does it cost (part 2)?
Sam: How may I help you?
Keiko: I would like to purchase 500 grams of chicken, please.
Sam: Sure. Can I get you anything else(adverbio anything else? ¿algo más?; if you've got nothing else to do si no tienes nada más que hacer; no one else nadie más; everyone else is going todos (los demás) van, va todo el mundo; who else was there? ¿quién más estaba allí?; someone else otra persona; something else algo más; let's go somewhere else vamos a otro sitio; or else si no)?
Keiko: Yes, can I also get 200 grams of cheese?
Sam: 500 grams of chicken and 200 grams of cheese.
Keiko: Thank you. How much will it cost?
Sam: It will be about ten dollars.

Keiko: Do you have my passport?
Sam: No, why?
Keiko: I think I lost it.
Sam: Did you check in your suitcase?
Keiko: Yes. It is not there.
Sam: Is it in your purse?
Keiko: It is not there, either (1. adjetivo cualquiera de los dos; with negative constructions ninguno de los dos; (both) cada, ambos; he wouldn't accept either of the proposals no quería aceptar ninguna de las dos propuestas)( 2. pronombre cualquiera de los dos; with negative constructions ninguno de los dos)( 3. adverbio tampoco; I won't go either yo tampoco iré).
Sam: I see it. It is on the table, under your books.
Keiko: Thanks!

Sam: Hello. My name is Sam.
Keiko: Hi. I am Keiko.
Sam: It is nice to meet you. Welcome to London.
Keiko: Thank you. It is nice to meet you, too.
Sam: Where are you from?
Keiko: I am from Tokyo. Where are you from?
Sam: I am from New York.
How much does it cost (part 1)?
Keiko: Excuse me, sir?
Sam: Yes, how can I help you today?
Keiko: I am shopping for a nice sweater.
Sam: How about this blue one?
Keiko: I like it. How much does this sweater cost?
Sam: It is 80 dollars.
Keiko: Great. Can I try it on?
Sam: Yes, the fitting room is over there.

How much does it cost (part 2)?
Sam: How may I help you?
Keiko: I would like to purchase 500 grams of chicken, please.
Sam: Sure. Can I get you anything else?
Keiko: Yes, can I also get 200 grams of cheese?
Sam: 500 grams of chicken and 200 grams of cheese.
Keiko: Thank you. How much will it cost?
Sam: It will be about ten dollars.

Wine Regions
What is in a bottle of wine? People usually make wine from varieties of grapes. Merlot and Chardonnay are varieties of grapes. Often, the name of wine comes from the variety of grape. But wine can also take its name from the place of production. Chianti and Bordeaux are places of production. The color of red wine comes from the skin of the grapes. White wine does not use the skin of the grapes.
It will be two thirty in ten minutes.
Faltan diez minutos para las dos y media
It will be two thirty in ten minutes.

Highways - Up, Down, Over, Under
A highway is a main road people use to travel between different public places. Highways connect cities, towns, and villages. Sometimes, drivers pay money to use the highway, and sometimes highways are free. Highways can go over water, across bridges, and through(1. preposición (across) a través de; go through the city atraversar la ciudad (during) durante; through the winter/summer durante el invierno/verano; Monday through Friday de lunes a viernes (by means of)a través de, por medio de; arranged through him acordado por él) tunnels. Highways can also go up, down, or under mountains. Some highways have homes or businesses on them(pronombre direct object los masculino plural, las femenino plural; indirect object les; after preposición ellos masculino plural, ellas femenino plural; I know them los/las conozco; I gave them the keys les di las llaves; I sold it to them se lo vendí; he lives with them vive con ellos/ellas; if a person asks for help, you should help them him/her si una persona pide ayuda, hay que ayudarla). Other highways don't have any buildings on them.

Almost (adverbio casi)
(1. adverbio todavía, aún; as yet aún, todavía; have you finished yet? ¿has acabado ya?; he hasn't arrived yet todavía or aún no ha llegado; is he here yet? - not yet ¿ha llegado ya? - todavía or aún no; yetbigger/longer aún más grande/largo; the fastest one yet el más rápido hasta el momento)
It is not seven yet.
Todavía no son las siete.

TELL (1. verbo transitivo (pretérito y participio pasado told) story contar; lie decir, contar; I can't tell the difference no veo la diferencia; tell someone something decir algo a alguien; don't tell Mom no se lo digas a mamá; could you tell me the way to ...? ¿me podría decir por dónde se va a ...?; tell someone to do something decir a alguien que haga algo; you're telling me! coloquial ¡a mí me lo vas a contar! ) WHAT TO DO
BRIEFING=reunión femenino informativa
SITUATION IN LEBANON/ CHINESE EARTHQUAKE RELIEF (alivio masculino; that's a relief qué alivio; in relief in artículo en relieve)EFFORTS
sagaz/sagacious astuto/crafty inteligente/inteligente artista/artist
comerciante /trader

The woman are (woman is/women are) young, intelligent (intelligent) but are so vain. She is not crafty!
The baby craing a lot, becouse (because) do ot (not) have his food. Hi isn't tired.
The boyfrend (boyfriend) are elegant, artist and cientific. (Scientific) I think so. He isn't a trader man.
He study medical assistent, (assistant) he have a brilliant future. The problem is, he isn't a persistent man.
The girl are (girl is) smart, beuty (beauty) and like go to the Playkids. (Play kids) Her parents has (parents have) no time.
The mom like make a god tipical (Typical) food for dady (daddy). She doesn't have to much money for buy all ingredients.You are thin. You are not fat. He is not a woman. He is a man. She is not poor. She is rich. The girl is not old. She is young. The man is not rich. He is poor. You are not short. You are tall.

You are thin. She is rich. She is young.
1)"woman" es singular y "women" es plural, entonces, el correcto es: the woman is young o the women are young. 2)"the baby is craying, because doesn't...He doesn't tired.3)The boyfriend is elegant...He doesn't a trade...4)He studies...he has a brilliante... He doesn't a persisten...5)The girl is smart, beauty...the mam make a good.

Are there….? Hay….?
Bless you! (sneeze) Salud!(estornudo)
Thank for your help! Muchas gracias por su ayuda!
Can I take one? Puedo tomar uno?
Can I take this with me? Me puedo llevar esto conmigo?
Can you help me? Puede ayudarme?
Can you write that down for me? Puede escribirme eso?
Come in! Adelante!
Is my apartment big enough for a pet? Es mi departamento lo suficientemente grande para una mascot.
I need to take my dog to the vet. Yo necesito llevar a mi perro al veterinario.
I bought cat food. Compre comida para gatos.
What is the pet deposit? Cual es el deposito por los animals domesticos.
My Cat has been spayed. A mi gata le has extraido los ovaries.
I would like to adopt a puppy. Me gustaria adopter un cachorro.
Do you allow pets? Permiten animals domesticos.
I keep tropical fish. Tengo peces tropicales.
I am allergic to cats. Soy alergico a los gatos.
Has this dog had his shots? Han vacunado a este perro?
My dog is a pure-bred. My perro es de pura raza.
My dog is in heat. Mi perro esta en calor.I got my dog from a breeder. Consegui mi perro de un criador.

Others Exercises:
At the airport
Keiko: Passport and boarding pass, please.
Sam: Here is my passport, and my ticket.
Keiko: Where are you headed today?
Sam: I am going to London for a conference.
Keiko: How long will you be staying.
Sam: For five days.
Keiko: Thank you. How many bags are you bringing today, sir?
Sam: I want to check the large suitcase, and I want to carry the smaller one on with me.
Keiko: I will weigh them. Everything is fine. What seat would you like: window or aisle?
Sam: Window, please.
Keiko: No problem. And what do you want for your meal? Chicken or fish?
Sam: I would like fish, please.
Keiko: Good. Your seat is reserved. You can go to gate B 11.
Keiko: Thank you. Goodbye.
Sam: How is school?
Keiko: Good. I have a lot of homework.
Sam: What classes are you taking?
Keiko: In the morning, I have math.
Sam: What time?
Keiko: At nine o'clock. Then I have history at eleven.
Sam: When do you eat lunch?
Keiko: I eat lunch from twelve until one o'clock.
Sam: Then what?
Keiko: Then I have science from one until two.
Sam: Is that all?
Keiko: No. I also have literature from two until three.
Sam: What time do you go home?
Keiko: I usually play soccer after school. Then I get home at about 5 o'clock.
Sam: Hello. My name is Sam.
Keiko: Hi. I am Keiko.
Sam: It is nice to meet you. Welcome to London.
Keiko: Thank you. It is nice to meet you, too.
Sam: Where are you from?
Keiko: I am from Tokyo. Where are you from?
Sam: I am from New York.

One day a little lost boy was lost in a forest.
The little boy did not had any friends.

One day he found a little girl!
Her mom and dad were lost.
They become friends.
A dove came with his back pack, and it steped on the boys arm.
The dove had a treasue map.
They travoled a lot.
One day found the treasue.
They got verry rich.

This office is unable to complete the processing of your application without further information. //Esta oficina no puede terminar el proceso de su uso sin la información adicional.
Please read and comply with the request below, then submit the evidence to the above address.//Lea y confórmese con la petición abajo, después someta por favor la evidencia a la dirección antedicha.
Include a copy of this letter and place the attached gold sheet on top of your documents.//Incluya una copia de esta letra y coloque la hoja atada del oro encima de sus documentos.
You must submit the requested information within thirty (30) days from the date of this letter.//Usted debe presentar la información pedida dentro de treinta (30) días a partir de la fecha de esta letra.
Failure to do so may result in the denial of your petition.// La falta de hacer tan puede dar lugar a la negación de su petición.
You failed to submit a photocopy of an identify document with form I-765.// Usted no pudo someter una fotocopia de un documento de la identificación con la forma I-765.
Therefore, please submit a photocopy (front and back)of your las employment authorization document (EAD)./// Someta por lo tanto, por favor una fotocopia (frente y parte posterior) de su documento de la autorización del empleo de los las (EAD).
If no prior EAD has been issued, you must submit a photocopy of a government issued identity document, such as a passport showing your picture, name, and date of birth./// Si no se ha publicado ningun EAD anterior, usted debe someter una fotocopia de un documento publicado gobierno de la identidad, tal como un pasaporte que demuestra su cuadro, nombre, y fecha de nacimiento.
A birth certificate with photo ID.// Una partida de nacimiento con la identificación de foto
A visa issued by a foreign consulate.// Una visa publicó por un consulado extranjero
A driver’s license or ID card issued by a state or outlying possesiion of the United states provides it contains a photograph and information such as name, date birth, sex, height, eye color, and address. /// Una licencia de conductor o la tarjeta de la identificación publicada por un estado o un possesiion periférico de los Estados Unidos los proporciona contiene una fotografía y una información tal como nombre, nacimiento de la fecha, sexo, altura, color del ojo, y dirección.
Or a national ID document with photo and/or fingerprint. The identity document must clearly show your facial features and biographical information./// O un documento nacional de la identificación con la foto y/o la huella digital. El documento de la identidad debe demostrar claramente sus características faciales e información biográfica.

Fecha de hoy: What is today's date? What day of the week is it? What month? What day?
It is not a table. It is a chair.// It is not a chair. It is a table./// It is not a box. It is a bed.// It is not a bed. It is a box…// It is not a lamp. It is a couch./// It is not a pen. It is a book./// It is not a book. It is a pen./// It is not a couch(CAUCH). It is a lamp./// It is not coffee. It is candy./// It is not candy. It is money./// It is not candy. It is coffee.// Is it food? Yes, it is./// Where is she? She is on the car./// Where is she? She is in the car.// Where is it? It is on the table.// Where is it? It is in the wallet(UOALET).// Where are they? They are in the box.// Where is it? It is in the box.// Where is she? She is on the box./// Where is he? He is in the box.// Where is the box? It is on the table.// Where is the lamp? It is on the table.// Where are the women(UIMEN)? They are at the table./// Where is the man(MEAN)? He is at the table.//// Where is the food? It is on the table.// Where are the flowers? They are on the table.// Where are the managers(MEANAYERS)? They are at the table.// Where is the coffee? It is on the table./// Where is the woman(UOMAN)? She is on the couch.// Where is she? She is in the bed.// Where is it? It is on the bed.// Where is she? She is in the chair.// Where is she? She is at the table.// Where is she? She is in the car.// Where are you? I am at the table.// Where are you? I am at the door.// Where are you? I am in the car.// Where are you? I am on the bus.

What is the tallest building that you have been in? What is the heaviest object that you have lifted? What is the biggest vehicle you have ridden in?///
U.S. culture is highly individualistic and extremely low context, two traits that permeates nearly every aspect of American life. In contrast to many of the cultures studied, the basic unit in American culture is the individual, which is followed by the family in a very limited sense. While in the Latin American cultures we studied, the family constitutes an extended family consisting of aunts, uncles, grandparents, and children, the American family is generally thought of as the nuclear family, which consists of parents and their children. In Costa Rica, children, especially daughters, are expected to remain at home until they are married. In Japan, it is a reflection on the mother’s parenting skills how well her child performs on standardized tests.

1. What is in the kitchen sink? Some dishes. 2.What is on the bathroom sink? Some flowers. 3.What is on the table? A computer. 4.
Vocavulary and Pronounce:
1.Garage/(gorach) 2.basement (Beismant) 3.dinning room(daininrum) 4.Rug (Rag) 5.Radio(Reidio) 6. Hallway (joluei) Pasillo. 7. A Bathroom sink and mirror: Un lavamanos y un espejo 8.A kitchen sink: Un lavaplatos 9.Silverware:Plateria o Cubiertos. 10. Washing machines: Lavadoras 11. A Dryer: Una secadora 12.Where is the mirror? It's on the tree. Donde esta el espejo? Esta sobre el arbol. 13. Where is the girl studying? She is studying by the television. Donde estudia la nina? Esta estudiando frente al televisor. 14. Where are the stairs? They are by the livingroom. Donde estan las escaleras? Esta junto a la sala de estar. 15. What is in the kitchen zinc? Some dishes. Que hay en el lavaplatos? Algunos platos.

VOCABULARY(Aproximacion a la pronunciacion):
1. Noise(nois): ruido 2.Crumb(cramb): miga 3.Howl(jaoul):verbo intransitivo of dog aullido; of person in pain alarido; with laughter risotada 4. Scrub(scrab): verbo transitivo (pretérito y participio pasado scrubbed) floors fregar; hands frotar 5. Slurped (slurpt): verbo transitivo sorber 6.Imitation (imiteishon):imitación; learn by imitation aprender imitando. 7. Spread (spred): A. sustantivo propagación femenino; coloquial (big meal) comilona femenino coloquial. B. verbo transitivo (pretérito y participio pasado spread) (lay) extender; butter, jelly untar; news, rumor difundir; disease propagar; arms, legs extender. 8. Perfect (perfect): sustantivo gramática pretérito masculino perfecto 9. Convinced (convenct):verbo transitivo convencer: I'm convinced he's lying estoy convencido de que miente
curly=crespo chino/bald=calvo/a beard=barba/a coat=un abrigo/a skirt=una falda/a blouse=una blusa/ladder=escalera./stairs=escaleras/hallway=pasillo/rug=alfombra/a dresser and a mirror=un tocador y un espejo/a bookshelf=un librero/a dryer=una secadora/silverware=platería/bucket.=balde./university=universidad/grocery store=tienda de abarrotes/gas station=estación de servicio/factory=fábrica/hospital=hospital/shopping mall=centro comercial/pharmacy=farmacia/library=biblioteca/post office=correo/police station=comisaría/bank=banco/phone booth=cabina telefónica.
They are studying at the university/Ellos están estudiando en la universidad.
She is shopping at the grocery store/Ella está comprando en la tienda de abarrotes.
She is getting gasoline at the gas station/Ella está cargando gasolina en la estación de servicio.
He is working in the factory/Él está trabajando en la fábrica.
She is studying in the library/Ella está estudiando en la biblioteca.
They are shopping at the mall./Ellos están comprando en el centro.
The blonde woman is getting money at the bank/La mujer rubia está sacando dinero del banco.
Nobody is in the phone booth./No hay nadie en la cabina telefónica.
He works at the post office/Él trabaja en el correo.
He works in a pharmacy/Él trabaja en una farmacia.
They work in a hospital/Ellos trabajan en un hospital.
He works at the police station/Él trabaja en la comisaría.
Where are they? At the university/¿Dónde están ellos? Están en la universidad.
Where are they? At the grocery store/¿Dónde están ellos? Están en la tienda de abarrotes.
Where is she? At the gas station/¿Dónde está ella? Está en la estación de servicio.
Where is he? In the factory/¿Dónde está él? Está en la fábrica.
Where is she? At the library/¿Dónde está ella? Está en la biblioteca.
Where are they? At the shopping mall/¿Dónde están ellos? En el centro comercial.
Where is she? At the bank/¿Dónde está ella? Está en el banco.
Where is he? He is in the phone booth/¿Dónde está él? Está en la cabina telefónica.
He is wearing a blue shirt and a hat/Él está usando una camisa azul y un sombrero.
He is wearing a blue shirt and a white coat/Él está usando una camisa azul y un abrigo blanco.
Two people are wearing white and three people are wearing blue/Dos personas van de blanco y tres personas van de azul.
He is wearing sunglasses/Él está usando anteojos de sol.
I'm a mail man/Soy cartero.
I'm a pharmacist/Soy farmacéutico.
We are doctors/Somos médicos.
I'm a police man/Soy oficial de policía

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